Plexuspharmaco GmbH is a young and dynamic healthcare company driven by innovation and excellence. We strive to fulfill the unmet medical needs through our innovative and science backed products.
Plexuspharmaco has a strong presence in Europe, Asia, MENA and LATAM regions. Our culture is defined by clear values: Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, and Innovation to improve health of millions of people worldwide. We believe in developing and maintaining long lasting successful partnerships. We understand the importance of healthcare segment, its integrity, serving costumer well, scientific rigor and team work.

Our Global Presence
Germany, Italy, Autria, Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, Greece
Senegal, Ivory Coast, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, DRC, Mali, Sudan
India subcontinent, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand
Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile
MENA region
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain
Australia, New Zealand
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